Last year Donald Trump got a hilarious victory over the Republican candidate Hillary Clinton. Democrats are not yet ready to believe that they have been defeated by a person who had no political background.
Since then, Democrats are making allegations that Donald Trump has tied up with Russia to win this election. However, they don’t have any proof regarding. To prove their allegations, an investigation is also going on.
Kellyanne Conway, the current counselor to the US president has revealed something that this investigation can be brought to an end.
In an interview with Fox News, she said, “Investigation is costing Tens Of Millions of Dollars and it has just started. We, American taxpayers, are funding just Mueller’s witch hunt.” Apart from this, she also revealed many things.Watch the video below for the full interview.
Editor(s)?… Hello?… Anyone?…
Hillary Clinton is a Democrat.
Hi Tray,
I’m here to listen to you.