Continuous learning is important to grow in any sphere of life. Excelling at a job or growing in a career follows a similar process. Learning isn’t a straightforward process, a haphazard one, certifications make learning easier and a little straight forward. Certifications are the second most preferred credentials after certifications, according to a survey from HRCI, a leading credentialing body in the human resources space.
Further, in a 2015 study, CompTIA found that 67 percent of companies look for certified IT professionals.
Industry’s changing demands
Compared to a few years ago, the industry has changed dramatically. The demand for skills has changed. Newer technologies have replaced older one and new ones like data science are taking the industry towards a new frontier.
Among new technologies, data science is the torch-bearer. Followed by cloud computing, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and others. Each of these technologies has brought significant shift in the way organizations work and increase productivity. The advent of these technologies has brought tremendous changes in the way companies are now hiring. Lack of specialized curriculum for new technologies at educational institutions adds to the challenges of employers in hiring and further look for alternatives – where professional certifications are playing an important role.
The demand for professionals equipped with skills in these technologies and lack of talent has created a gap, which is filled with certifications. The aforementioned CompTIA survey says, “71 percent of employers require certification for IT jobs”.
Professional certification has become a mainstream channel for both employers and employees to show a new dimension to show their abilities. Employers value certifications, as they are proven measures of demonstrated skills and abilities.
Areas where certifications are required
Today along with IT certifications, artificial intelligence, blockchain, human resources, and traditional and high-impacting roles like investment banking, and private equity are available from local and global credentialing bodies.
Certifications in the above areas are available for a different level of experience, including undergraduates, graduates, and working professionals. Depending on the aspirations of the candidate, one can go for any level. Often, adhering to eligibility criteria is a necessity for taking a particular certification. Global credentialing organizations offer study preparation kit, online resources, and lastly a test to measure the candidates’ abilities in their respective areas.
Certifications are valid for a limited period, which can range anywhere between 1 year to eternally. Generally, once passing the certification test, these credentialing bodies require candidates to take a certification exam, to ascertain whether their skills are updated with changing needs of the industry.
As the industry grows, the demand for skills will change. In such a scenario, it is important for the labor force to continuously learn new skills, not just to sail through the competitive job landscape, but to be a better version of yourself at work. Taking certifications require large investment of time, energy, and money. A conscious effort should be made before choosing a certification.