These days whole world is facing the extreme terrorism. The majority of the world thinks that for all these terrorist activities, the Muslim population is more responsible as compared to other religions.
So, here we are going to have a look at the Muslim population in the United States and we will analyze whether Muslim population is growing or decreasing in the nation.
According to a research organization named Pew Research Centre, there were about 3.3 million Muslims residing in the USA in 2015 which comprises near about 1% of the total US population. It is being assumed that this share will be doubled by 2050.
In some states like New Jersey Muslims comprise more than 1% of its total population. Recent policies of Trump government has raised questions like how many Muslims are there in the country. But, we can’t find any official answer of this question because of Unites States’ constitution. So, we have to rely on these research agencies.
The main reason of increasing Muslim population?
The main reason is that American Muslim tends to have more children as compared to other religions.Also, Muslims are younger so, soon there will be more and more Muslim population will be in a position of having kids.
Here we should keep one thing in our mind that conversion has also become a common phenomenon in the US. But, at the same time, Muslims also converted into other religion or they tend to have no faith in any religion.