What is Hijab and Why you should consider it?
Literally, the word Hijab means a curtain or veil, which is better understood by discussing the Islamic meaning of modesty. Muslim men and women must be respectful when interacting with unfamiliar members of the opposite sex. The quality of the speech, the manner in which Muslims talk, the manner in which they laugh and joke, their actions and social conduct in general should all be communicated to the other party in a way that attracts the least amount of wrong attention. In addition, by not eating them from head to toe (i.e. checking them out), they are expected to “lower their gazes” and honor other men or women. In the same way, actual Hijab sets safe physical contact distances. This modesty is also expected to be honored in the form of dressing. There is no shame in putting on your Hijab and give Essay Help UK based tutoring services to students.
In today’s world, the emergence of ‘slut-walks’ and ‘free the nipple’ movement is considered to be empowering. Where women have long fought to eliminate objectification of the body, these movements have somewhat tried to free the female body in, what most argue, a paradoxical way. Muslim women are expected by their religion to follow in public the most noticeable aspect of the Hijab – the headscarf to cover our hair and full-length garments to conceal the shape of our bodies, in order to appear modest. Non-Muslims also talk about how it’s possible and why a woman should ever choose to willingly hide what any other woman is proud to reveal – her beauty. The most common explanations why Muslim women wear the Hijab, and why you can too, are from a very long list, listed below.
To Please the Creator
Muslims recognize God the All-Powerful as the great creator and supreme authority over the universe, and hence the religion He has sent – Islam – is an entire way of life for all humanity. Accordingly, Divine law is always followed, and submitting to the commandments of God is in itself a form of worship. After telling Muslim men to lower their gaze, the Holy Qur’an reminds women: “Tell believing women that they should lower their gaze and keep their modesty: that they should not display their beauty and ornaments, except what (ordinarily) appears to them.” (24:31) According to this Qur’anic verse, Muslim women do not display their beauty simply because it is the command of the God.
Say No to Female Exploitation
Since the beginning of time, women have always been exploited. Known for being gentle-sex, delicacy, and elegance, women are often used as mere objects for attracting men, or selling products and services. Unfortunately, the physical attractiveness of a woman today is likened to the trophy of a man, to be shown to the entire world. Whether it is the twerking women in a rap video, or Hollywood’s prevalent ‘casting-couch’ culture, women have always been treated like meat. Sadly, women have become well accustomed to this practice, and are still proud to show their bodies just for the sake of societal acceptance. However, what Muslim women know is that their beauty is sacred and definitely not a thing to please random men.
For Protection
Another reason why Muslim woman observe hijab, and why you should too, is for protection. We have all heard the term ‘male-gaze’, and how it is toxically uncomfortable for women to endure it. in society, women from all walks of life often complain (and rightly so) that they are fed-up with men ‘checking’ them out. There is no doubt that men ‘analyzing’ women’s bodies from head to toe is degrading. However, it is not as simple as black and white. Men struggles with their biological make-up too. According to Leon F, Seltzer, a clinical psychologist, “When a male’s T-levels elevate beyond a certain point, he can hardly help but constantly have sex on his mind. And for males in their late teens and early twenties (when T-levels peak), their thoughts and feelings are influenced mightily by what’s coursing through their veins. They experience an almost constant stirring in their genitals—sensations that clamor for attention, but which social mores disallow full expression. Despite such constraints, however, the very sight of a female (real, or merely “fabricated” in their mind) can’t help but fan this not-to-be-denied libidinous flame.
Adolescent girls, and women in general, rightfully complain that they feel devalued when men see them, or treat them, as sex objects. But it could be argued that to a great extent teenage boys and men—”seduced from within” by high T-levels—can’t much help it. Animalistically under the influence, they may have great difficulty perceiving females other than one-dimensionally, as objects for lascivious gratification.” So we can understand why Muslim men are taught to ‘lower their gaze’ and Muslim women to cover modestly. The philosophy behind covering the body in modesty is that “you can’t objectify what you can’t see”. It not only protects women from being exploited, but also for men to not get overwhelmed by their carnal desires.
Preserving the Beauty for Ones that matters!
No matter what age or marital status, every woman loves attention and care. To most women, fulfilling the need comes from privately and publicly complimenting others. Muslim women who publicly hide their physical points of attraction merely seek the attention in private from their loved ones. The logic behind this practice is pretty convincing to experiment.
Muslim women essentially demand self-respect from the public by covering up, as they do not allow themselves to be judged on the basis of their appearance (or lack thereof). Furthermore, the Hijab of a Muslim woman gives the husband the privilege of having a wife who considers him worthy to maintain herself only for him. In return, he’s giving her all the extra attention that every woman needs. This also satisfies the natural instinct of the man to admire the beauty of a woman, and thus he is more motivated to avoid “checking out” random women and to lower his gaze, since his wife does not allow herself to be regulated and admired by other men. Also branded by so-called Western “relationship experts” as “jealousy,” this kind of admiration and self-preservation solely for one’s partner is in fact the secret to lifelong marital satisfaction and achievement.
To Be Judged for Our Worth, Not Our Appearance
Many people, often labeled as oppressive, fail to realize that the Hijab truly empowers every woman with the ability to control how she is treated and respected in society, her safety, and who deserves to see her beauty, all while making a statement against women. A woman who practices the Hijab frees herself from the unethical and insensitive expectations of her society. A woman who disguises her appearance has earned herself the power to tell the world “You know what? I’m not a piece of meat and I deserve to be respected for who I am.” If wearing miniskirts, low-cut tops, head- turning heels, and layers of makeup in public is the expectation from a woman to be respected and considered liberated, then we have got ourselves two very different definitions of liberty and self-respect.
All human beings deserve respect, and why should the women be regarded for their appearance or lack of it as merely objects appreciated or devalued? Why should we let these random and odd people be judges of women’s beauty? Muslim women are as empowered as they come. It’s time to put your Hijab on and get on with your profession, be it providing Essay Help UK based or doing the part time job to support yourself.
Kelly Dimarco is a Social Media Marketer, Educator, and a Blogging Expert. A veteran digital media marketer and an accomplished educator, She has built a reputation as among the best education technologists in academic circles. She is an ardent reader of books on technology, education, and business. You can find her on essay writing, Google+, Facebook, and Twitter.