These days whole world is facing extreme terrorism. Belgium and Orlando attack killed many innocents. Not only this, the recent attack on Turkey’s airport and attack in Bangladesh are... Read more
The mass shooting in Orlando has led the whole world in a very big shock. Islamic group ISIS has taken the responsibility for this cruel act. Many families lost their lovable ones and presid... Read more
These days, Hillary Clinton has more haters than supporters. Here, We have presented some horrible pics of Hillary Clinton that will make you wonder. Before watching these pics, Let me warn... Read more
It seems, all anti Islam communities are seeing only hope in Donald Trump only. That’s why they are doing whatever thy can to save the world form the attack of Islam. Recently, a Hind... Read more
Donald Trump is the most popular candidate of United State Of America’s President election 2016. How he became so famous ? Let me answer, because of his unique and fiery thoughts. Dona... Read more
As the presidential election draws nearer, so the campaign of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton is also fast becoming. Many Americans are supporting Donald Trump. On the other hand, Hillary t... Read more